| Read Time: 4 minutes | Wrongful Termination

How to Prove Wrongful Termination in Arizona

Losing your job is always a challenging pill to swallow. This is all the more true when unfair circumstances are behind your dismissal. In these situations, it is normal to wonder if you can sue your employer for wrongful termination. Under Arizona and federal law, employees can take legal action for an unjust firing in certain situations. However, proving...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Wrongful Termination

What Constitutes Wrongful Termination in Arizona?

Most employees invest significant time and energy in their careers. They strive to excel and contribute to their company environment while climbing the employment ladder. So, what happens when an employee’s dedication results in a sudden and unjust employment termination? If your employer fired you in violation of your employee contract, for discriminatory reasons, in retaliation for adhering to...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Wrongful Termination

Can You Sue for Wrongful Termination in Arizona?

Many Arizonians spend much of their day working from home, an office, or a bustling service-oriented location. In the best circumstances, workplaces empower professional growth and development. Unfortunately, workplaces can also breed legal disputes, particularly regarding wrongful termination. When an employer fires an employee unlawfully, the employee’s first question is often, Can you sue for wrongful termination in Arizona?...

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